Join the Cycle Buddy network!

We like BICYCLE BUDDY better but the spiders on the world Wide Web prefers Cycle Budd

Start riding with a Cycle buddy after your training, or just to get out and ride!

Fill Out your Cycle Buddy Form Below! We look forward to seeing you soon!

PAYMENT/REFUNDS: A 3.5% charge applies for ALL refunds

Why Cycle Buddy?

  • Cycling done right, generates cardio output and oxygen into blood cells which reduces inflammatory effects and pain in our existing joints and muscles, at the same time, gives us a boost energy and supports our immune system. 
  • Cycling regularly generates oxygen which supports our white blood cells.  By doing so, we feed , desperately needed oxygen to our blood cells, to attack and eat up bacteria and viruses within. 
  • Cycling generates Oxygen and encourages us to drink water, which are crucial to rebuilding our cells, rejuvenating our body, and increasing stimuli, lasting all day. So, what's stopping you?
  • Cyclists want to stay fit so why not go cycling with a Cycle Buddy!
  • Many cyclists need experienced cyclists to ride with, we provide the solution to help you get that experience!
  • Old cyclists have experience, that they can share with you. We help you to gain experience.
  • Whether its an oncoming cyclists or car approaching you, or a stationary object along a pathway , cycling with a Cycle Buddy can help you overcome your fears. that some cyclists feel.
  • Some people have been left with a bad experience riding a bicycle and need that extra support of confidence, to build them up again. Cycle Buddy was created so you can ride with other cyclists, to rebuild and heal from past experiences.
  • Cycling fellowship and friendship, is always a plus in when riding people, like yourself.
  • We help to match similar cyclists that want to be challenged.
  • Motivation to get out and ride. Knowing you have someone to ride with helps to give you a little push to get out and ride.
  •  Joining in a ride with a fellow Cycle Buddy helps you commit yourself and others, to develop healthier routines, to become a stronger cyclist, and develop relationships, with others.  
  • Riding a bicycle is an independent sport, and can help you overcome adversities that change you as person with your outlook on your life in a positive way.
  • If your new to cycling and want to prepare for a triathlon or a future ride that has never been done before. Thus is a great way to get started.
  • For some people, Cycling is on their Bucket list and a Cycle Buddy can help you complete your list.
  • GET OUT and ride! Or call us for a training session on how to get started:       1-855-795-4482,

Not sure where to go, how to get involved, Become a part of our Cycle Buddy network!

How it works:

When you fill out your Cycle Buddy form, it goes into a database along with other cyclists, that would love to ride too!  We look to match you up with one or more cyclists and a Cycle Buddy Trainer!  

A CB Trainer, will help you improve your cycling skills


What happens if you cant find a match?

Be patient and optimistic, Life is full of surprises!

If we don't get you matched up within a short time , you can rely on your Cycle Buddy trainer.

If your confident and skilled enough, maybe you should set your goals to become a Cycle Buddy Volunteer Trainer (CBVT)!  Fill out the CBVT form (see below)

What's my Cost to sign up?  There is none!   There's only a cost when you decide to join in a ride.


How much will it cost  to participate in a ride?

The duration and travelling distance to the meeting place will determine the cost, for the CB Trainer (CBVT). The benefit is that every Cycle Buddy contributes towards the cost of the Trainer. The average charge is $135/Cycle Buddy to participate in a ride.


If my Cycle Buddy doesn't show up, do I have to pay additional charges to compensate the CB Trainer (CBVT)?

NO , In most cases (98% of the time). If the other Cycle buddy(s) doesn't show up, they forfeits there ride and what they paid goes towards the cost of the session.

Once each member (CB) makes payment there is no refunds. It's each persons responsibility to arrive on time on location for the ride.


What if I don't have a bicycle?

You can opt to bring your own bicycle or rent one of ours, in which your CB Trainer will supply and set up your rental bicycle, for you. All you have to do is show up, and ride.


If I'm going to be running late, what happens?

Please let your CB Trainer know as soon as possible! Communication is key!  We leave that decision up your CB Trainer. Your CB trainer  decides whether the ride goes out with or without you.

Your CB trainer will be in contact with everyone participating in the ride, via TEXT MESSAGING or by phone, if he doesn't get a hold of you, its your responsibility to get in touch with him.  Once you fill in the CB form and payment has been recieved, You will be provided all the details, prior to the ride. 


Cycle Buddy V Training choose one of three options
I need a rental bicycle
Reserved by, Name/ incl.Cell#

Cycle Buddy

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Become a Cycle Buddy Trainer!

Do you enjoy cycling? A lot!

Would you like to become a Cycle Buddy Volunteer trainer  (CBVT) in your area!

Becoming a Cycle Buddy Volunteer Trainer (CBVT). Becoming a CBVT is the first stage to becoming a Born To ride Bicycle Trainer.

Fill in our CBVT form and we'll get in contact you with more information.


What are the perks of becoming a Cycle Buddy VOLENTEER Trainer (CBVT) ?

We maintain a fleet of 80 Specialized and Giant brand Bicycles. As a CBVT you have access to a wide range of bicycles for each CB training session. But, in using them, you are responsible to maintain and clean what you use, and return them with the rest of the fleet. In using our bicycles, there is a mandatory cleaning deposit (refer to our Bicycle rental page).


Can I use my own bicycle? Yes, you can use your own bicycle, but it must be inspected. Send us pics and details of what you want to use to ride. send to: PRINT in Subject: " NAME " " CBVT My own Bicycle"

What qualifications do I need to become a Cycle Buddy Volunteer Trainer?

  •  You must be able to ride a minimum of double the distance of any of the Cyclists (Cycle Buddy's) your training. your provided details about each person you train. 
  • You must feel confident your in control of the ride. There will be times when you will need to go back and ride alongside each cyclist keeping them motivated :)
  • You must have a current First Aid Certificate; If there is any emergency you can  apply the first Aid skills. 
  • You must not have a clean Criminal record. No exceptions!
  • You must be mechanically inclined. You are required to tweak and service any of the customers bicycles, well enough, so if there is break down, you can keep everyone riding! You will also be required to charge the customer for any repairs. We suggest, you take a bicycle mechanic courses. You can also Come join us in servicing our bicycles to get first hand experience.

There will be times when you will, make a judgement call;

  • You are required to test each bicycle that is going out for the ride, We will provide some training.
  •  You may have to refuse the bicycle that the Cycle Buddy (CB) intends to ride.  If it means cancelling the ride because the bicycle is unfit or unsafe for the Cycle Buddy ride, the Customer forfeits their payment and a new session will have to be booked. We always want to maintain a positive experience in our rides.
  • You're, required to test each cyclists' ability to determine their eligibility to participate in your CB ride. Example: prior to the ride you would;  Lay out pylons as an obstacle course to test each cyclists cycling skills. Other skill sets may be tested as well, such as how well they:
  •   climb, sprint, stop, start, shift, maneuver, jump, pivot, degree of endurance, condition of the rider and anything that may be critical for a healthy, safe and enjoyable ride. If your not satisfied with the rider, either change up the type of ride or you may have to cancel the session.


Will I get any training? Yes, there will be plenty of opportunities to learn from those more experienced than you. 


Do I get any form of dollar amount of compensation for my training?

YES, We compensate you for your mileage and other perks as a volunteer, which you will here about, once you apply to be a CBVT form.

Am I an employee of Born To Ride Bicycle? No, you are recognized as a volunteer

What's my future to become an employee for Born To Bicycle? We will have  future positions in mind for our volunteers.

We will recruit: 

  • Tour guides, 
  • Trainers 
  • Mechanics
  • Sales Staff
  • We prefer to recruit from within our team of BBVT's.

Would you like to become a Bicycle Buddy Volunteer Trainer (BBVT) in your area!

est. 2009




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